Missing-- his Work in the Congo and Bolivia (1965-1967)

The airline ticket from when he left Cuba in disguise to help African countries in their liberation.
Che first visited Africa in Algeria as a Cuban representative and said that their people were much like the people of Cuba, in need of help. By 1964 Che became angry by the treatment from the U.S.S.R. and China's treatment towards Cuba's socialism that he decided to set off To the Congo to help liberate them.
He left Cuba in disguise under the name Ramon Benitez. When he arrived in the Congo after a not so warn welcome from Tanzania he was disappointed with the fighters he gathered. While he was sick, yet still fighting, the men were being lazy and inadequate fighters. Over a few battles he lost control with frustration and left the Congo with little progress made for their revolution.
Che went back to Cuba to settle once again before heading off to Bolivia with intent of firing another revolution for Latin America. 
He was captured while staying at the guerrilla camp by Bolivia Special Forces on October 7th 1967. He was held in a dilapidated school house and was questioned, but never answered. He was executed on October 8th 1967.
This letter to his parents showed that he had no bad intentions toward the family he left behind when he disappeared in Africa unannounced. He believed that the only way to find a new revolution in helping people was to go without saying goodbye.
"My Marxism has taken root and become purified. I believe in armed struggle as the only solution for those peoples who fight to free themselves, and I am consistent with my beliefs. Many will call me an adventurer, and that I am....only one of a different sort: one who risks his skin to prove his truths. It is possible that this may be the end. I don't seek it, but it's within the logical realms of probabilities. If it should be so, I send you a final embrace. I have loved you very much, only I have not known how to express my affection. I am extremely rigid in my actions, and I think that sometimes you did not understand me. Nevertheless, please believe me today.

 For you, a big hug from your obstinate and prodigal son,


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  After 1964, having traveled to the Soviet Union and China and recieving little support and a cold welcome Che became frustrated with the Cuba. He went in disguise without a warning. Nobody knew where Che went, including friend, Fidel Castro, and his wife and children. This is a poster they sent around all o Latin America and broadcasted on the radio. His time in trying to spark a new revolution on Latin America went on until his death in 1967. 
Translated: Where is Che?   
Facial features to look for: Intrepid eyebrows, Dark brown hair, a round face.

If found please contact the Cuban government officals.