Ernesto traveled with friend, Carlos Ferrer, to la Paz, Bolivia. While on another trip Ernesto said, "And, given the conditions of my travels, first as a student and later as a doctor, I gradually got into close contact with poverty, hunger, diseases, the impossibility to cure a son for lack of doctors, the dehumanizing effect of hunger and continuous punishment to the extent that for a parent, the loss of a child is an unimportant accident, as is often the case with the oppressed classes in our American homeland.And I started to see things that in that time they seemed to me more important than being a famous researcher or making a substantial contribution to the medical science: this thing was to help these people". He was angered by how the government treated the native indians in Bolivia after the short lived Bolivian revolution. Carlos said that he noticed within himself and within Che that Bolivia was where their anti- American anger originated and their want for revolution.
When he reached Guatemala with other friends there was a noticeable change in how much time Guevara put time into politics. While there he began a relationship with Hilda Gadea where they spoke with each other of marxism and revolution. He then went on to Mexico City for its well known corruption.

"Dear Mother,
I am soon to be on my way back from my trip with Alberto. I went into this not knowing how much empathy I would end up having for the people less fortunate than us. While traveling through Chile I truly began to understand how necessary it is for people like us to help others. I came across a Communist couple who were ostracized for their beliefs of government. While in the mining town of Chicuicamata, I came to the realization how much the government regulated countries take advantage of the poor workers willing to do any sort of work, including deadly mining jobs, for a small living.
After seeing these people of South America I believe there is room for change in the governments and we should not support them any longer and help to make these changes possible so the poor will be treated as equals to those who are rich and control the countries.
Your son