Final Words on Che

As a young child Ernesto Guevara de La Serna was taught that everyone should have equal treatment, and the facts of the world and war were not hidden from him. As he grew older and could travel and learn things on his own his beliefs became more passionate. After having seen the treatment of those in poverty Ernesto became more active in helping people by becoming a doctor and working various physician's jobs around South America.
During his successful revolution with Castro in Cuba Che became heated on his beliefs. From his work with Castro they succeeded in gaining control in Cuba. Some would say during his multiple revolutionary attempts that he pushed these beliefs on some who didn't agree, while others saw him as a hero for all the people in South America and their struggle.

Che believed that everyone should be treated as an equal despite how he sometimes went about it. Whatever the case, it is undeniable that Che worked hard in the ways he thought were correct for the less fortunate people of South America.